Buddha's Core Teachings
The Six Realms of Existence, also known as the Wheel of Birth and Death, developed under Mahayana Buddhism. The Six Realms represent a mandala, a map of consciousness, which represents six worlds of existence according to the teachings of Buddha (Metzner 155). The six realms are interpreted as states of mind or consciousness in modern times, but some Buddhist interpret these realms as actual places. These six worlds are occupied by six different beings, which includes gods, demons, spirits, animals, and humans. All beings occupy one of these realms, as a result of rebirth
The first of the six realms is known as the "Deva Gati", the realm of devas or gods and heavenly beings. This realm is inhabited by beings who enjoy all the pleasures of life, including power, wealth, and long life (O'Brien, “Six Realms”). This realm is a very enjoyable realm, in which the beings live off their collected good karma. Experiencing joy, good fortune, sensual pleasures, and aesthetic enjoyment of all kinds. Despite living and experiences the best aspects of life, Devas are not capable of feeling compassion for others. Deva’s eventually reach an elderly age and pass away, just as other beings do. This being will use up all of its good karma and come to an end, leading them to enter one of the other realms. Humans experience this state of mind when they are doing well in life. An individual may be getting all the good life has to offer, but they may forget about others who are not doing so well. These individuals may lack compassion or empathy for others, almost as if they are blind to what is going on around them.

In contrast, the hell realm is occupied by beings that are experiencing extreme physical and mental suffering, this realm consists of physical discomfort, torture, despair, and powerless. Beings in this realm feel as though they are enduring a never ending punishment, which they will not be able to escape (Metzner 160). The hell realm is also known as "Naraka-Gati" and is considered to be the most dreadful of the six realms, as beings in this realm are easily irritable and just about anything upsets them. Beings in the hell realm handle nearly all situations with anger and aggression and as a result they drive away other beings who show them deep affection or warmth (O'Brien, “Six Realms”). Beings in this realm believe there is no end to their suffering. Humans may experience this state of mind at several points throughout his or her life. One may act with anger and aggression towards others, which in turn causes others to react in the same manner towards them. One’s actions or behaviors have a resulting reaction. Acting out on the anger and aggression one might feel, leads to that individual pushing away those who may care for them.

The realm next to the heaven realm is known as the realm of asuras or titans, the "Asura Gati". The Asura's are powerful beings with fierce envy, hate and resentment which cause rebirth in the Asura realm (O'Brien, “Six Realms”). While the Asura's exhibit fairness, intelligence, devotion, and trust, their internal thoughts are less pure. Within, Asura's hide their superiority complex and lack of patience towards others. They believe they are mighty and others are below them. This realm consists of constant brutality, hostility, fury, rivalry, jealousy, and conflict. Asuras are portrayed as warriors wearing heavy armor, riding horses into battle (Metzner 160). These beings are controlled by selfish desire, resentment, and bitterness. As a result, beings in this realm are continuously taking part in varying kinds of competition.

The Six Realms
The realm following the asura realm is the"Tiryahyoni-Gati", the animal realm. The beings in the animal realm are characterized by their lack of intelligence, preconceived ideas, and smugness, they live "sheltered lives, avoiding discomfort or anything unfamiliar" (O'Brien, “Six Realms”). Rebirth in the animal realm is likely due to ignorance. The presence of this realm does not necessarily mean that human beings reincarnate as animals, but instead the animal realm stands for the animal like consciousness. Beings are in this state when the consciousness is focused on survival activities for offspring or for oneself (Metzner 161). Such activities include working to pay bills, buy groceries, or providing children with necessities
The third of the six realms is referred to as the "Preta-Gati", the realm of hungry ghosts. The Preta's are portrayed as beings with "huge, empty stomachs, but they have pinhole mouths, and their necks are so thin they cannot swallow", and are always looking outside themselves for something to satisfy the craving within (O'Brien, “Six Realms”). Preta's are closely related to dependency on substances, fixations to things, and compulsion. The beings in this realm are characterized by their never ending hunger or need, which is never satisfied. Petra's are essentially beings that have an endless and obsessive need to satisfy its wants and needs, but do to have the ability to find contentment or pleasure.

The sixth and last realm is the "Manusya-Gati", the human realm. The human realm is considered to be the most fortunate realm that one can be born into, as it provides the being the with endless opportunities to reach full awareness and liberation. It is the only realm that gives an opportunity to escape cycle of rebirth and death. The human realm is at hand with enlightenment (O'Brien, “Six Realms”). The human realm is shaped by passion, uncertainty, and a strong feeling of want. The human realm consist of "...people meditating and experiencing blissful states, and you have people working, and suffering, and playing, and fighting", it is full of possibilities and the chances of excellence are great in this realm (Metzner 161). Each of the realms have the possibility of reaching enlightenment, but the human realm is considered to be the realm that offers the best chance of transcendence